Gina Blitstein Article
Gina Blitstein combines her insight as a fellow small business owner with her strong communication skills, exploring topics that enhance your business efforts. That first-hand knowledge, matched with an insatiable curiosity to know more about just about anything, makes her a well-rounded writer with a sincere desire to engage and inform.

Why Your Business Should Embrace Sustainability

Why Your Business Should Embrace Sustainability

Virtually everyone believes that more can and should be done to protect the environment, and that it’s everyone’s responsibility to take some action, however small, toward that goal. The topic is one that most people can relate to, as fellow citizens of the planet. Your business can be a place from which a significant impact can be made, at least locally; although you may wonder if it’s worth the "trouble" to go green. Making more sustainable choices is not always the most obvious cost-effective route, nor is it the simplest - but it may be the best way on a number of fronts. Let’s explore why.

Saves on everyday expenses - First-line green practices like these make an obvious dent in excess expenses and in wasted resources:

  • Switching to energy-efficient bulbs
  • Minimizing power usage
  • Going paperless
  • Using EnergyStar-rated equipment

Government incentives help many businesses take the plunge in a more sustainable direction, allow them to come up with that initial investment in green energy options or embark on a new sustainability venture.

Saves at tax time - The U.S. government offers business tax credits for new renewable energy systems that generate wind, solar or geothermal power which covers 30% of the cost of installing such a system. Many states and regions offer their own energy efficiency incentives, so it’s worth investigating to discover what’s out there to augment your sustainability goals. As an additional boon, renewable energy is more affordable in the long run, so it’s really just a matter of making one investment that will benefit both the environment and your business’ bottom line.

Federal government supports your efforts - According to Brookings, "The Small Business Green Recovery Fund will cater to the diverse financial needs of small businesses by offering financial support in the form of green grants, green loans, and green bonds. The green grants scheme aims to bolster the ability of the Small Business Administration to support green innovations and investments to small businesses that face limited and costly access to financial markets."

"Environmentally-conscious" attracts attention and dollars - Eco-friendly is a term that goes a long way in many people’s minds. At the very least, making it known that you prioritize the environment in your business will put you in the "One of the Good Guys" column in the public eye, and even if it’s not the primary reason someone does business with you, it’s yet another selling point. Consumers looking to do business with a company that "puts their money where their mouth is" when it comes to doing right by the environment will be incentivized to patronize you. Employees too, especially in recent years, frequently seek out companies to work for who value and demonstrate sustainable practices. That’s important when you’re also dedicated to attracting and retaining a top-flight team.

Keeps your team healthier - Once you’ve attracted that dream team of employees, keeping your workplace free of toxic chemicals, stale air, new carpet fumes and other irritants can help ensure that they feel healthy, energized and perform at their best during work hours. Employees who know you value their wellbeing will be more satisfied and loyal.

Improves the wellbeing of your local community - Over and above the good public relations going green offers, taking the environment to heart in your business practices makes for a cleaner, healthier community with less pollution and other threats to the planet in which your neighbors can thrive. Simple changes to your workplace like these can make a big difference:

  • Choosing recycled supplies
  • Doing away with single-use items
  • Making on-site and electronics recycling a priority and simplifying the process for your employees
  • Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products

You’ll be considered a trendsetter among other local businesses who will be inspired to follow your lead and likewise make green initiatives a priority.

Have a leg up when sustainability mandates and regulations are implemented - Green is the future, so if you’ve consistently made sustainability upgrades, it will be easier for you to achieve compliance when such implementations become required by law.

As you can see, prioritizing sustainability is more than looking out for the wellbeing of the environment; it’s about making your company the kind of business that can - and will - thrive into the future.

How can embracing sustainability benefit both the environment and your business?

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